These were written up for various reasons: course handouts, notes to
accompany a talk for a (mathematically) general audience,
or for some other purpose
that I have since forgotten. If you find typographical or
other errors in these files, or have comments,
please let me know. Files that are revised will be reposted
without any indication that they have been changed (sorry).
Writing Proofs
Advice on mathematical writing
Examples of proofs by induction
Proofs of integrality of binomial coefficients
Well-defined functions
Group Theory
Why groups?
Sign of permutations
The Fifteen puzzle (and Rubik's cube)
Order of elements
Subgroups of cyclic groups
Subgroups of Z/(pa) × Z/(pb)
Cyclicity of (Z/(p))×
Cosets and Lagrange's theorem
Quotient groups
No subgroup of A4 has index 2
Groups of order 4 and 6
Groups of order 12
Groups of order p2
Groups of order p3
Groups of order 16
Generalized quaternions
Generating sets
Conjugation in a group
A 2-parameter nonabelian group
Dihedral groups I
Dihedral groups II
Isometries of
the plane
and complex numbers
Isometries of
the plane
and linear algebra
Isometries of
Proof of Cauchy's theorem
Consequences of Cauchy's theorem
Decomposition of finite abelian groups
Group actions
Transitive group actions
The Sylow theorems (proof)
Consequences of Sylow theorems
More on the Sylow theorems
When are all groups of order n cyclic?
Simplicity of An
Simplicity of PSLn(F)
Characters of finite abelian groups
Characters of finite abelian groups (short version)
Semidirect Products
Subgroup series I
Subgroup series II
Splitting of short exact sequences for groups
Schur-Zassenhaus theorem
Relativistic addition and group theory
Escher's Print Gallery
and quotient groups
Maschke's theorem over general fields
Representations of affine and Heisenberg group over finite fields
The degree may not divide the size of the group
Why word problems are hard
Ring Theory
Division theorem in Z and R[T]
Counting roots of polynomials
Standard definitions for rings
Notes on ideals
Irreducibility tests in Q[T]
An irreducible that factors modulo all primes
Irreducibility of xn - x - 1
The Gauss norm and Gauss's lemma
Remarks about
Euclidean domains
Noetherian rings
Symmetric polynomials
Applications of unique factorization
Nilpotents, units, and zero divisors for polynomials
Maximal ideals in polynomial rings
Primitive vectors and SLn
Zorn's lemma
(in group theory, ring theory, and linear algebra)
Quaternion algebras
Linear/Multilinear algebra
Minimal polynomial
Simultaneous commutativity of operators
Potentially diagonalizable operators
Semisimple operators
Differential equations and linear algebra
Linear recursions over all fields
The norm of a matrix
Pythagorean descent
Pfister's theorem on sums of squares
Hurwitz's theorem on sums of squares
linear algebra)
Hurwitz's theorem on sums of squares
representation theory)
Sums of squares in Q and F(T)
Introduction to modules
Modules over a PID
Simultaneously aligned bases
Stably free modules
Noetherian modules
Dual modules
Infinite-dimensional dual spaces
Bilinear forms
Universal identities I
Universal identities II
Universal mapping properties
Splitting of short exact sequences for modules
Tensor products I
Tensor products II
Exterior powers
Base extension and exterior powers
Fields and Galois theory
Roots and irreducible polynomials
Roots on a circle
Simple radical extensions
Finite fields
Trace and norm, I
Trace and norm, II
Separable extensions
Perfect fields
Constructing algebraic closures, I
Constructing algebraic closures, II
Zorn's lemma
(with fields)
Splitting fields
Separable extensions and tensor products
Splitting fields and tensor products
Galois correspondence
Examples of Galois correspondence
Applications of Galois theory
Galois groups as permutation groups
Galois correspondence theorems
Galois groups of cubics and quartics (not char. 2)
Galois groups of cubics and quartics (all characteristics)
Cyclotomic extensions
Recognizing Galois groups Sn and An
Linear independence of characters
The Artin-Schreier theorem
Galois descent
Elementary number theory
The division theorem in Z and F[T]
Divisibility and greatest common divisor
Divisibility without Bezout's identity
Modular arithmetic
Modular arithmetic (short version)
Unique factorization in Z and F[T]
Analogies between Z and F[T]
Universal divisibility test
Pythagorean triples
Fermat's little theorem
Fermat's test
Euler's theorem
Orders in modular arithmetic
Number theory and cryptography
Chinese remainder theorem
Carmichael numbers and Korselt's criterion
When is -1 a square modulo primes?
The infinitude of the primes
Patterns in primes
Wieferich primes
Square patterns and infinitely many primes
The "topological" proof of the infinitude of primes
Fermat numbers and their factors
Perfect numbers and Mersenne primes
The Lucas-Lehmer test
Solovay-Strassen test
Miller-Rabin test
Irreducibility tests in Fp[T]
Pell's equation, I
Pell's equation, II
Negation and inversion of continued fractions
Quadratic integers
Gaussian integers
Factoring in quadratic fields
Sums of two squares and lattices
Proofs by descent
An example of
descent by Euler
Congruent number problem
Arithmetic progressions of three squares
Arithmetic progressions of four squares
Quadratic residue patterns modulo a prime
Quadratic reciprocity in
odd characteristic
Quadratic reciprocity
characteristic 2
Algebraic number theory
Examples of
Mordell's equation
Factoring in quadratic fields
Unique factorization of ideals
Factoring ideals after Dedekind
Dedekind's index theorem
Discriminants and ramified primes
Totally ramified primes and Eisenstein polynomials
Rings of integers without a power basis
The ring of integers in a radical extension
A non-free relative integral extension
Ideal classes and Kronecker bound
Class group calculations by Minkowski bound
Ideal classes and relative integers
Ideal classes and SL2
Ideal classes and matrix conjugation over Z
Dirichlet's unit theorem
Chevalley's unit theorem
Existence of Frobenius elements (d'après Frobenius)
Galois groups over Q and factorizations mod p
Dedekind domains and Galois residue field extensions
Primes of degree 1 and congruence conditions
Euclidean proofs of Dirichlet's theorem
Irreducibility of truncated exponentials
The Galois group of xn - x - 1 over Q
The different ideal
The conductor ideal of an order
Gauss and Jacobi sums on finite fields and Z/mZ
L-functions for Gauss and Jacobi sums
Invariants of the splitting field of a cubic, I
Invariants of the splitting field of a cubic, II
Invariants of the splitting field of a cubic, III
Invariants of the splitting field of a cubic, IV
Invariants of the splitting field of a cubic, V
Ostrowski's theorem for
Ostrowski's theorem for
Ostrowski's theorem for
Ostrowski's theorem for
number fields
The p-adic expansion of rational numbers
Binomial coefficients and p-adic limits
p-adic harmonic sums
Hensel's lemma
A multivariable Hensel's lemma
Equivalence of absolute values
Equivalence of norms
The local-global principle
Prime-power units and finite subgroups of GLn(Q)
The character group of Q
Field automorphisms of R and Qp
Infinite series in p-adic fields
Mahler expansions
An application of Strassmann's theorem
Integral solutions of x3 - 2y3 = 1.
Truncated Artin-Hasse series and roots of unity
Maximal compact subgroups of GLn(Qp)
Compact subgroups of GLn(Qp)
A separable extension with inseparable residue field
Local compactness of Pontryagin dual group
Selmer's example
Kummer's lemma
Fermat's last theorem for regular primes
Carlitz extensions
History of class field theory
The Mean Value Theorem and integral powers
Orders of growth
Estimating growth of divergent series
Asymptotic growth
Stirling's formula
Infinite series
The Gaussian integral
Estimating definite integrals of e-t2 in two ways
The logarithm and arctangent
The remainder in Taylor series
Abel's theorem
Accelerating convergence of series
Arc length, integration by parts, and π
Irrationality of π and e
Transcendence of e
Differentiation under the integral sign
Probability distributions and maximum entropy
Metric spaces
The contraction mapping theorem
The contraction mapping theorem, II
The space c0(K)
Lp spaces for 0 < p < 1
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Proof by multivariable calculus
Proof by linear algebra
Proof by proper maps
Spaces that are connected but not path connected
Finite-dimensional topological vector spaces