Driving Directions
This page provides directions for driving to the UConn math department and parking nearby.
Our department is in the Henry Ruthven Monteith Building (MONT), which is at the corner of Mansfield Road and Whitney Road. Its address is 341 Mansfield Road, in Storrs, CT.
The nearest parking garage to the math department for visitors is
the South Parking Garage. Click
here for hourly rate information in campus parking garages. Bring your parking stub into the department to get it validated (if you are an invited guest). There are parking spaces next to the math department on Whitney Road, but they are not open to visitors before 5 PM.
If you are using a GPS:
enter 505 Jim Calhoun Way, Storrs CT 06269 as the destination. This is the address of the South Parking Garage.
- An interactive map is
here, where you can search for
the math department as MONT and the South parking garage as SPRK.
A downloadable map is here.
- The entrance to the garage is along a small road off of Jim Calhoun Way, within sight of the Burton Family Football complex. Drive along the small road and you'll pass the exit area from the garage first and then reach the entrance.
Administrative offices in the math department are in MONT 217 (second floor).
Driving Directions (without GPS):
Amherst, MA or Bradley Airport
Boston, MA
New York City, NY or New Haven, CT
Providence, RI
Note: The directions at the links above are chosen to be as simple as possible. There are some shortcuts not mentioned that save a few miles, so if you use a GPS you may get different directions.
Also keep in mind that in Connecticut it is illegal to use a cell phone while driving unless you use a hands-free device.
Other Information:
Storrs campus map (PDF)
Storrs campus map (Interactive)
Building Abbreviations (on campus map):
- SPRK - North Parking Garage
- MONT - Henry Ruthven Monteith Building