Math 1132 - Spring 2010
Office Hour Information

Each Lecturer is listed below in boldface and the TAs associated to that lecturer follow alphabetically. If you want to make an appointment with an instructor or TA, send that person an email (although for appointments with Teitelbaum, please note the preferred alternate address in the Office Hours column below). In each email address, replace the words at and dot with the obvious email notations.

Name Email Office Office Hours
Keith Conrad 1132class at gmail dot com MSB 318 M 1—3 PM
Harris Daniels harris at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 419A W 10—11 AM, 3—4 PM
Ji Li jili at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 201 M 1—3PM, W 12—1 PM
Lu Lu lu at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 201 T 2—3 PM, W 10 AM—12 PM
Brian Whitehead whitehead at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 231 T 2:30—3:30 PM, Th 10 AM—11 AM
Jeremy Teitelbaum jeremy dot teitelbaum at uconn dot edu CLAS 413 M 3—5 PM, W 9—10 AM (for appointments, write to amy dot deflumere at uconn dot edu)
Jeffrey Haines haines at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 119 T 1:30 PM—3 PM, W 3—4 PM
Matthew Lamoureux mlamoureux at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 119 M 12:30 PM—1:30 PM, Th 2 PM—3 PM
Kathleen Malevich malevich at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 119 T 12:30—1:30 PM, Th 12:30—1:30 PM, 2:30—3:30 PM
Gagan Sekhon sekhon at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 329 MWF 9—10 AM
Amit Savkar savkar at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 235 T/Th 10 AM—12 PM
Christopher Buechler buechler at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 419A W 2—3 PM, Th 2—4 PM
Ilke Canakci canakci at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 329 T 2—3 PM, F 12—1 PM
Lucas David-Roesler roesler at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 419A M 11 AM—12 PM, W 1 PM—2 PM
Xiang Huang xiang dot huang at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 401A M/W 12—1:30 PM
Jeffrey Ledford ledford at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 301 M 10—11 AM, T 1—2 PM, W 3—4 PM
Ben Salisbury salisbury at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 419A M/W 10—11 AM, M 12—1 PM
Jacob Suggs suggs at math dot uconn dot edu MSB 119 M/F 9 AM—12:30 PM