In 1959 Tom Lehrer wrote a song "The Elements" whose lyrics are all the chemical elements known at that time (up to element 102, Nobelium). An animated video accompanying the song can be seen on YouTube here. A performance of the song by Lehrer in 1967 is here and by Daniel Radcliffe in 2010 is here. They have been put side by side here.

Since the song was written more elements have been discovered and named, but Lehrer didn't update the lyrics. For example, in the 1967 performance he pointed out as an aside that there was a new element Lawrencium (element 103).

At the time I am updating this (December 2020), 118 elements have been discovered and officially named. A Russian updated version of the elements song using all these named elements is below, and a .pdf copy can be read here. The number of each element is included in the text, not in order to be part of the song but rather to help verify that in fact each element appears exactly once.

While I can't include a tune to convey what the intended rhythm is (it is not the tune used by Lehrer), a few hyphens are inserted in the text to indicate no pauses there. If you are interested in making a recording of this, let me know.


калий(19), бериллий(4), осмий(76), водород(1),
натрий(11), нептуний(93), кремний(14), углерод(6),
кадмий(48), ванадий(23), иттрий(39), кислoрод(8),
кальций(20), прометий(61), скандий(21), хлор(17)-азот(7).
И церий(58), палладий(46), магний(12), цинк(30)-ксенон(54),
рений(75), рубидий(37), гелий(2), медь(29)-радон(86),
галлий(31), лютеций(71), франций(87), фтор(9)-неон(10),
тербий(65), иттербий(70), эрбий(68), иод(53)-аргон(18).

неодим(60), празеодим(59), ниобий(41), плутоний(94),
индий(49), иридий(77), и родий(45), европий(63),
цезий(55), актиний(89), железо(26)-протактиний(91),
олово(50), золото(79), и берклий(97)-калифорний(98).

рутений(44), самарий(62), уран(92), менделевий(101),
цирконий(40), америций(95), полоний(84), коперниций(112),
стронций(38), алюминий(13), гольмий(67)-гадолиний(64),
и литий(3)-барий(56)-гафний(72)-таллий(81)-торий(90)-ливерморий (116).

хассий(108), эйнштейний(99), дармштадтий(110), германий(32),
дубний(105), флёровий(114), тулий(69), мейтнерий(109),
нобелий(102), рентгений(111), лоуренсий(103), сиборгий(106),
тоже радий(88)--кюрий(96)-фермий(100)-борий(107)-резерфордий(104).

тантал(73), лантан(57), кобальт(27), титан(22),
теллур(52), селен(34), бор(5)-молибден(42)
мышьяк(33), висмут(83), астат(85) И ртуть(80),
вольфрам(74) и хром(24), криптон(36) и бром(35).
Фосфор(15), никель(28), марганец(25),
диспрозий(66), сера(16), и свинец(82).
Сурьма(51), технеций(43), нихоний(113),
оганесон(118) и московий(115).
Теннессин(117) и серебро(47),
платина(78) и это всё!/и что ещё?

A Russian version of Lehrer's original song (up to element 102), due to Alexander Nevzorov, is here.